Oven Brothers - E-commerce Website Redesign


I helped Oven Brothers redesign their e-commerce website to improve user experience and increase sales.

Oven Brothers E-commerce Website


Product strategy, Visual Design, Front-End Development


8 weeks working with the business owners from design to development.


Reduced the number of clicks to reach the checkout page from 6 to 4. Increased newsletter subscribers by 50%

Oven Brothers New Homepage
Responsive sections
Responsive sections
Simplified navigation
Simplified navigation
I simplified the navigation to make it easier for customers to find the products they need.

One of the main challenges was creating a more consistent look and feel. I achieved this by reducing the number of fonts and colors used throughout the website, which improved consistency. At the same time, I created multiple section layouts to add dynamism.

Homepage Full Layout
Homepage Full Layout
About Us Full
Products Detail Page
Products Detail Page